Conducting Research

Before Your Visit

The CRRC welcomes all qualified researchers to use its holdings. Because of the nature of the materials, however, potential researchers MUST complete several important steps prior to visiting the CRRC. This process includes:

  1.  Accessing our collection indexes  to determine whether the CRRC possesses files that may be helpful to one’s research (Saddam Hussein Collection Summary and Index, AQAM Collection Summary and Index)
  2. Obtaining Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval of one’s research plan
  3. Completing and returning the Conflict Records Research Center (CRRC) Non-Disclosure Agreement to protect Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
  4. Scheduling a time to use our research facility

Accordingly, the first step in using CRRC holdings is to e-mail us so that we can guide you through this process and help you obtain access to CRRC records in the most expeditious manner possible. We look forward to hearing from you!


  1. Researchers visiting the CRRC must adhere to U.S. government standards regarding the protection of Personally Identifiable Information (PII).
  2. In addition, Researchers may take and remove notes pertaining to CRRC records, but may not remove copies/photographs/recordings of the records. Photography and recording devices are prohibited.

Additional Information

CRRC imposes no prepublication review requirement of any kind.

Citations of records from the CRRC can be constructed as follows: CRRC record number, “Record title,” Record date, Conflict Records Research Center, Washington, D.C.

  • Example: XX-XXXX-X-000-000, “Senior Officials Discussing Various Military Operations and Other Issues,” 15 August 1999, Conflict Records Research Center, Washington, D.C.

Getting Here

Conflict Records Research Center is located in Suite 1600 of National Defense University’s Lincoln Hall.

National Defense University
Conflict Records Research Center
260 5th Ave; Bldg 64
Fort McNair, D.C. 20319-5066

Directions to National Defense University

Google Map to National Defense University

Google Map to National Defense University